Various Achievements

Right from the infant stage, every young student has been able to exhibit their potential and earn laurels wherever they have ventured.
- International Assessment for Indian Schools (IAIS'2010): 11(Eleven) students were awarded Gold Medals with Certificates of Excellence for their outstanding performances by the University of New South Wales, Australia in the IAIS exam.
- APUNBA KHUMAN OINAM was congratulated by former Union Minister for Human Resource Development for his outstanding achievement in the AISSCE 2014.
- JESSICA OINAM won 1st Position in the 5th Mini National Fencing Championship 2014 held at Nasik, Maharashtra and also won 1st Position in the 68th National School Games 2014 held at Pune, Maharashtra.
- MASTER MAISNAM MEIRABA LUWANG, 1st North Eastern Badminton player to win Swiss Junior Open, 2015 held in Geneva, Switzerland.
- Master Kh. Lakshinngamba won Bronze medal in the UMAI National Muaythai Championship 2022-23 held in June 2022 in Madhya Pradesh.
- Miss Tourambam Bertina was selected in "India Star Icon Kids Achievers Award" by the National Academy for Art Education Pune, Maharashtra.
- BABY TANUSHREE won the Gold Medal Brain O Brain Test 2016 held on 1st May 2016 at Thyagaraj Stadium, INA, New Delhi.
- The 1st School from N.E. India to participate in and sign up for LIVE International video conference under the aegis of Tony Blair's Global Generation programme U.S.A.
- BHICKY SAGOLSEM - Winner of U-16 Singles in All India Tennis Association (AITA) Championship series held at Shantima Lawn Tennis Academy, Haryana in April, 2019.
- Khangembam LakshinnGaba - Gold Medalist in Pair- Sub Junior Male Poumsae in MK Classic Open International Taekwondo Championship, New Delhi, 2019.
- Sarah Thiyam of Class-IX and Yaiphabi haobam of Class-X got Second Runner's Up and Consolation prize respectively in the Essay Writing Competition held on 22nd October 2019 on the theme "Integrity-A Way of Life" organized by The Reserve Bank of India.
- Record Breaking Academic Performance:
- AISSE -2010 (First batch) Total pass 100% Distinction in every subject
- AISSE -2011 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2012 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2013 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2014 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2015 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2016 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2017 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2018 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2019 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2020 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2021 Total pass 100% Passed
- AISSCE -2022 Total pass 100% Passed in Science, Commerce and Arts.